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Warm Weather Babywearing

woman holding a fishing pole wears her toddler in a onbuhimo. Grass, trees and lake are seen in the background

Summer is officially here! We have already seen many warm days despite summer just starting and there's likely to be many more ahead of us. A question that we get a lot is how to stay cool while babywearing in the heat. It's a contact sport and things are bound to get sweaty...BUT...there are precautions you can take to ensure that you and baby remain as comfy as possible. And believe it or not, wearing your baby in the heat actually helps your baby regulate their temperature!

Always remember to: * stay hydrated especially when wearing outdoors. This goes for baby too! * Dress baby in light breathable clothing * Stay in the shade as much as possible. Put a hat on baby to limit direct sunlight when shade is not available * Always remain aware of how baby is doing (and listen to your own body as well) Baby in a hat

From behind image of a woman wearing her baby on her back in a buckle carrier. A beautiful seascape is in the distance and baby is wearing a blue floral hat.

Some Additional Tips: * when using a woven wrap, single layer carries in a lightweight woven will breath well (kangaroo, ruck, traditional sling carry (TSC), and Front Wrap Cross Cary (FWCC) with bunched passes) * Wear a shirt that covers your chest so you are not skin to skin with your child and generating sweaty stickiness. If baby is resting on your chest, a cool wet wash cloth can help you both stay comfy. * Those cooling towels you hear about are not safe to come in direct contact with your child. Some have been known to cause chemical burns. Please do not put these between you and your child. If you use them, only do so on yourself. * A clip-on stroller fan is a fun way to get a little breeze going. Just make sure it's not directly over baby in case it comes loose. Perhaps on the shoulder strap to the side of baby. * If you feel uncomfortable or like you are overheating, find a safe spot to take baby down and take a break.

Also keep in mind that carriers are not safe for wearing in water unless the manufacturer explicitly says so. Wearing a non-water carrier in water can compromise the integrity of the carrier and deem it unsafe. We have water carriers in each of our libraries and our educators would love to help you use one. When wearing a child in water they should always be worn on your front and never on your back so you can monitor their safety in the water.

(Lillebaby All Seasons, Linen Blend Wrap in a FWCC, Linen Ring Sling, Kinderpack with KN)

Some warm weather friendly (but not suitable for water) carriers available in our lending libraries;

Linen Ring Slings- Available at all lending libraries

Lillebaby Complete Airflow- Warwick, Monticello, nyack, Syracuse, Croton

Kinderpack with koolknit- Beacon, Nyack(infant) -Warwick (Toddler)-Nyack, Croton (Preschool)

Tula Coast- Warwick

Baby Ktan Active- Monticello (M)

Wrapsody Hybrid- Warwick, Brewster, Syracuse

Water Carriers

Land is not the only place you can wear your baby! Lots of caregivers love to wear their babies while having some water

Here are some Do’s and Don’ts for Water Wearing:

Do: Only wear baby on your front in a water approves carrier.

Don't: Use any non-water compliant carrier. This can compromise the safety of the carrier. Do: Wade in calm bodies of water.

Don't: Enter rough bodies of water where you may lose your balance.

(Mesh Ring Sling, Mesh Wrap, Wrapsody Duo)

If you have a favorite type of carrier for land, odds are you can find an equivalent water carrier. In the last couple of years, the Babywearing world has picked up and the market has been flooded with new products. The good news is that means there are more options than ever! Love a ring sling?....try a water one! Prefer the ease of a buckle carrier?....yup ....they make those for the water too! Wraps and meh dais are also on the market for water use.

Beachfrontbaby Everyday Buckle Meh Dai

Each of our lending libraries have water carriers available to borrow. Here’s a list of what’s in each library. Don’t forget to shout us out on Facebook, Instagram or on the website if you have any questions or need additional assistance.

All of our meetings are posted on our Website and on our Facebook Page -

Our Online Chat group

Water Carriers by Library:

Croton: Beachfront Baby Ring Sling Cute Awakening Mesh Ring Sling Integra Solar (SSC-buckles) Wrapsody Wrap Duo Water Wrap

Beacon: Beachfront baby Everyday Buckle Meh Dai Beachfrontbaby Ring Sling Integra Solar (SSC-buckles)

Brewster: Beachfront baby Ring Sling Integra Solar (SSC-buckles)

Monticello Cute Awakening Mesh Water Ring Sling

Mt. Kisco: Beachfront Baby Ring Sling Beachfront Baby Water Wrap Boba Air (SSC-buckles) Integra Solar (SSC- buckles)

Nyack Bitty Bean (SSC-buckles) Wrapsody Wrap Duo Water Wrap Beachfrontbaby Everyday Buckle Meh Dai

Warwick Beachfront Baby Ring Sling Beachfront Baby Water Wrap Integra Solar size 2 (SSC-Buckle) Boba Air (SSC- Buckle)


Beachfrontbaby Everyday Buckle Meh Dai

Blog Post written by NYBW Educator Serena Flood

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